
I started this in 2016 when I was a law student, wondering if I could be ethical and a lawyer – that was so cute. I am now a lawyer. Being ethical is actually pretty easy… It’s more whether I want to work in the legal sector now!! Wow life changes… I also started this to give myself a place to write down all my rambling, rants, random conversations starters, etc.

Irony, sarcasm and twisted humour are encouraged and appreciated. Lack of respect of any sort, intentional arrogance and ignorance are considered disappointing.

Apparently I have a poker face and I can tell when someone isn’t comfortable

Also shy – not that anyone would be able to tell because I plow trough like a social butterfly. I like my alone time, more so the older I get, and I love to laugh. I appreciate the little things in life that most people don’t notice.

You’ll mostly find my ramblings, lots of opinions, random stories, little bouts of advice that may be helpful to people in similar situations and things like that. I have a foul mouth so sorry to offend if it bothers anyone but I cannot tailor my thoughts to fit people. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy reading what I write.

I read and talk A LOT. I make jewellery, write poetry and prose, I am a freelance proofreader, copy editor and translator.

Can anyone else some ADHD traits lingers around here? No? Just me? Ok.

I have the best orange cat that ever exited. By that, I mean I am a human slave to a superior being of the feline species. This is his majesty, Oliver, the blonde ginger:


He has excellent resting bitch face too so despite his utterly gentle, soft and loving nature, he always looks unamused and like he would swipe me if I went near him (rarer than rarely do I get swiped by him, except when I am purposefully being annoying):


He reminds me to stop overworking by starting to meow at me when I am still sat at my desk after 6pm (he then repeats in shortening intervals), reminds me to wake up if I am in bed past 5am, and he reminds me it’s time to go to bed starting at about 9:30pm by chirping at me at certain intervals and doing this:


Yes, I am a grown ass woman and this cat is by child. Deal with it because your non-acceptance will not make a shred of difference 😀

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